The remaining two spread are explained below.
- Bull Put Spread:
- Buying one Put option and selling another of higher strike price.
- It's a credit spread.
- Moderately Bullish Strategy.
- Maximum Profit : Net Premium received
- Maximum Loss: Difference between two strike price (-) Net received
- Breakeven Point: higher strike price (-) Net credit received
- Profit: when closing of underlying stock is out-of-the-money.
Apple 495/500 Spread
Buy 1 lot Apple Mar 495 Put @ $17
Sell 1 lot Apple Mar 500 Put @ $19
Net Credit: $2 (19-17)
Maximum Profit: $2 ie 200 (2*100)
Maximum loss: $3 ie 300 (3*100)
Breakeven Point: $498 (500-2)
- Bear Put Spread:
- Buying one Put option and selling another of lower strike price.
- It's a debit spread.
- Moderately Bearish Strategy.
- Maximum Profit : Difference between two strike price (-) Net debit
- Maximum Loss: Net Premium paid
- Breakeven Point: higher strike price (-) Net debit
- Profit: when closing of underlying stock partially is in-the-money.
Apple 4505/500 Spread
Buy 1 lot Apple Mar 505 Put @ $22
Sell 1 lot Apple Mar 500 Put @ $19
Net Debit: $3 (22-19)
Maximum Profit: $2 ie 200 (2*100)
Maximum loss: $3 ie 300 (3*100)
Breakeven Point: $502 (505-3)
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