Friday, May 20, 2011


The book "Tribes" is written by Seth Godin. He is the most popular business blogger in the world, his blogs are very much inspiring.  There are no chapters in this book and is full examples of tribe and leader.

"A tribe is any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another"

Some of the interesting points explained in the book.
  • You can't have a tribe without a leader - and you can't be a leader without tribe.
  • Everyone is not just a marketer- everyone is now also a leader.
  • Tribes are about faith- about belief in an idea and in a community.
  • " Leadership is management"
    • Leaders have followers. Managers have employees.
    • Managers make widgets, Leaders make change.
  • The Art of leadership is understanding what you can't compromise on.
  • The Secret of leadership: Paint a picture of the future.  Go there.. people will follow.
Seth Godin has explained in below video why tribe is needed.

I would recommend this book to all. You can visit to know more about him.


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